
发布日期:2024-06-16 06:31    点击次数:137



中国日报外洋版(China Daily)发布图文,向外洋受众先容这次广西酸嘢北京推介会的现场火爆情况。全文如下:

现场推介广西酸嘢。图源:China Daily

Suanye, a snack of pickled fruits and vegetables from the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, tickled the taste buds of foreigners with its unique sweet, sour, spicy and salty flavor at a promotional event in Beijing on Friday.

广西壮族自治区的一种腌制果蔬小吃 "酸嘢",亮相于北京举行的一次广西酸嘢推介会上,以其特有的甜、酸、辣、咸风范勾起了番邦东说念主的味蕾。

The dish is made of fruit and vegetables that have been saturated in vinegar and salt for about an hour. They are then mixed with various spicy or sour powders. Suanye is known for its thirst-quenching, refreshing and appetizing effects.


Guangxi's abundant natural mountain and water resources have nurtured more than 200 varieties of tropical fruits. The fruit production in Guangxi has ranked first in the country for six consecutive years. In 2024, the garden fruit production in Guangxi exceeded 33 million metric tons, with mangoes, dragon fruit, passion fruit and Shatian pomelo being the top in terms of production nationwide, said Cao Kedi, second-level inspector of the Department of Commerce of Guangxi, at the event.

广西丰富的当然山水资源滋长了 200 多个热带生果品种,广西生果产量已贯穿六年位居世界第一。广西商务厅二级巡查员曹柯笛在举止上暗示,2024 年,广西园林生果产量逾越 3300 万吨,其中芒果、火龙果、百香果、沙田柚产量居世界首位。

推介会现场,广西生果回味体验区域火爆超卓。图源:China Daily

Due to its hot and humid weather, local people love sour flavors, and suanye is seen at both high-end banquets and family gatherings, she said, adding that the region is building an industrial chain for the treat, growing brand influence and promoting standardized production.



推介会现场,广西酸嘢回味体验区域火爆超卓。图源:China Daily

About 100 people, including company representatives, foreign journalists and college students, attended the event, tasted the food and learned to make it.

包括企业代表、番邦记者和大学生在内的约 100 东说念主参预了举止,回味了酸嘢并学习了其制作法子。

番邦大学生现场体验广西酸嘢。图源:China Daily

Haneen Abdulraheem Jameel, a student from Guilin University of Electronic Technology in Guangxi, said she first tried suanye while taking a walk with her Chinese friend in Guilin. She was surprised to see a seller mix watermelon with vinegar and chili pepper.

广西桂林电子科技大学学生哈娜(Haneen Abdulraheem Jameel)说,她第一次回味“酸嘢”是在与中国一又友在桂林分布时。她看到一个卖家将西瓜与醋和辣椒夹杂在一齐,感到绝顶骇怪。

"It was a really new taste for me, salty, sweet and spicy. And I liked it," she said, adding that now she often eats suanye after dinner as a snack, each time costing about 10 to 15 yuan ($1.4 to $2).

"对我来说,酸嘢带来的是一种全新的口味,它既咸又甜又辣,我很心爱。"她说,当今她经常在晚饭后吃些酸嘢,每次消耗约莫 10 到 15 元(1.4 到 2 好意思元)。

She got a chance to make suanye for the first time at the Beijing event. She plans to cook it for her family when she returns home soon.


现场疏浚热气腾腾,大众一齐体验广西酸嘢、共享广西酸嘢故事、传播广西酸嘢文化。图源:China Daily

Pakistani student Muhammad Qamer Abbas, 25, from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, said the food reminds him of his hometown, where locals also mix powder with fruit.

北京化工大学 25 岁的巴基斯坦学生穆罕默德-卡梅尔-阿巴斯(Muhammad Qamer Abbas)说,这种食物让他思起了我方的梓里,巴基斯坦当地东说念主也将香料和生果拌在一齐吃。

"We often eat pickled fruit at lunch together with other food during the summer season," he said, adding that the preparation technique is also very similar.


Guilin Suandoudou Food Co Ltd, which participated in the Beijing event, has more than 10 chain stores in Guilin. They are a popular stop for foreign tourists.

参预北京举止的桂林爽兜兜食物有限公司在桂林有 10 多家连锁店,它们庸俗是番邦搭客最心爱光顾的特产店。

"I'm glad that they give a thumbs-up and came back to buy several times," said He Yilin, general manager of the company.


"I think as long as this food follows the traditional pickling method, ensuring freshness and minimizing the use of additives, it is beneficial for the body. As people pay more attention to healthy eating, I believe there is great potential," she said. Her recipe was passed down from her great-grandfather.


Each of the company's stores earns between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan in profit per year. After promoting the brand in Beijing, He plans to improve its visibility nationwide.



Liang Xuan, an intangible cultural heritage inheritor for suanye-making techniques, said one of the most prominent features of Guangxi suanye, compared with other pickled food, is its mild fermentation or almost no fermentation at all.

广西酸嘢制作技能非物资文化遗产传承东说念主梁轩说,与其他腌制食物比拟,广西 "三酸 "最格外的特色之一是发酵经过轻,险些不发酵。

"It achieves its sourness through ingredients like rice vinegar, sugar and salt. As a result, its production time is very short, and you are actually eating fresh fruit and vegetables with vinegar, which are healthy," he said, adding that the process can also decompose allergic content in fruit such as pineapples.


He said that the region is establishing local suanye standards. "Once these standards are set, it will facilitate better expansion such as exports or opening of stores overseas," he added.


推介会现场,广西酸嘢回味体验区域火爆超卓。图源:China Daily

Liang is also the founder and chairman of Nanning Ruifeng Investment and Management Co Ltd, which owns the suanye brand Suanpinwang. The company has 130 chain stores in China and trains suanye-making technicians free of charge to boost their income and employment.

梁轩还是南宁瑞丰投资措置有限公司首创东说念主兼主席,该公司领有酸嘢品牌“酸品王”。该公司在中国有 130 家连锁店,并免费培训酸嘢制作技师,以促进服务、晋升收入。

"A suanye store as small as 3 square meters can feed a whole family." he said.


